What Should I Know Before I Go? : With Danny Weiss

Joining us around the fire is Danny Weiss. Danny worked with Adventures in Missions and served with David Platt at Radical as the Stratus Index Driector and website designer. He is now working with Unfolding Word where he oversees the Gateway Languages Database as a reasercher and data engineer. There he identifies multilingualism to strategically equip the global church in Bible translation. This Episode he shares his knowledge on how to best reach the unreached and how to live missionally minded.

Danny Weiss
Danny oversees the Gateway Languages Database as a researcher and data engineer, identifying patterns of multilingualism to strategically equip the global church in Bible translation. He formally worded with Radical under David Platt, and helped creat their program called Stratus. Stratus helps monitor unreached people groups around the world and is a wonderful tool to use for prayer and ministry