Welcome, all you pyromaniacs!


Jan. 30, 2025

EP. 41 | Challenging the Pro-Choice Christian

We’re answering your questions! First up: How do we challenge those who identify as Christians but support abortion? In this episode, we break down the biblical, moral, and logical arguments to help you engage in these tough ...

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Jan. 6, 2025

EP. 40 | Closing the Chapter on 2024: Hello, 2025!

Ahhh, 2025, the year we moved our podcast setup downstairs—no more tiptoeing around sleeping babies! We’re thrilled to kick off another year of The Digital Campfire! As we reflect on the past year, it's been one of both joy a...

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Aug. 26, 2024

Modesty, Bad Breath, and Caring for others

Send us a Text Message. This episode we dive into the hot topic of modesty in church and ask the question, 'does this really matter?' We share our thoughts and discuss what it looks like to consider others when preparing to ...

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Aug. 13, 2024

Cultural Christianity, The Chosen, and Breaking the Second Commandment

In this episode, we dive into what it truly means to live as a Christian in today’s society. We explore whether persecution is still a reality for those who follow Christ, even in a world that often prides itself on tolerance...

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May 1, 2024

Our Son, Lessons from the Hospital, and Setting our Sights on Heaven

Its been a while! We have finally been able to process some more of this season the Lord has been walking us through with our son. We are preparing for round 3 for Reubens surgeries, and this one coming up will be the biggest...

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Dec. 8, 2023

Jealousy, Relationships, and Boundaries

In this episode, we reflect on the struggles of dating and when its right or wrong to be jealous. We belive that Christ calls us to honor one another with our interactions with the opposite sex but we know this is a tricky to...

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Oct. 9, 2023

A Little Suffering, a Little Longer, a Little More Like Jesus

This epside Erika and I discuss their recent news about our son's diagnosis. We feel ready to talk about our current emotions and thoughts about the Lord, all while clinging to the hope that always remains in Christ. We ask t...

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June 26, 2023

Baby Names, Stumbling Blocks, and Should I Get Rid of My TV

We have big news! We are expecting a little one! With that has come alot of talks about what we listen to and watch and whether or not some things need to change. While on vacation with some friends last week, we started this...

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May 15, 2023

Random Conversations, Works and Faith, and Church Dinners

It's been a while since we've gathered around the digital campfire! This episode we just discuss what's been going on lately with us both, as well as our thoughts on James and Romans, and why it seems like they may contradict...

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March 13, 2023

Colorado Friends, Pros and Cons of Working from Home, and Gluttony

Our deer friend Garret joins us on this episode to catch up and talk about life. We all work fully remote and discuss the differences we have noticed in our own lives now compared to working on site. We also discuss gluttony,...

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Feb. 25, 2023

Does Romans 7 Describe my Saved Experience? : with Dr. Tom Schreiner

There are many who divide on Romans 7 and it's application for the saints. Some believe that Paul is refering to his lost self in verses 14-24, while others believe that Paul is refering to his current state as a Christian wh...

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Feb. 20, 2023

Asbury, Revival, and Skeptism

Erika and I got to go down to asbury on day 6 and 7 to see for ourselevs if the Spirit was being poured out over his people. We talk about what we saw, what we think, and how we believe Christians should respond to movements ...

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Feb. 13, 2023

The Gifts of the Spirit : With Dr. Sam Storms

In this episode we hop on the phone with Dr. Sam Storms. He's the pastor emeritus at Bridgeway Church in Oklahoma City and author of multiple books including Practicing the Power : Welcoming the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in yo...

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Jan. 23, 2023

Hygene, Flipping Tables, and Zeal for His House

It's the new year and that comes with new changes in our lives! This episode, we walk through John 2:13-17 - a passage that we have been discussing as of late (and we strongly disagree on what is considered good hygene). We...

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Dec. 7, 2022

Social Media, Dopamine, and Cutting off Avenues of Sin

This episode we talk about our journey with social media and how it has negatively affected us. We know that it can be a good thing, but when does it become a problem? We hope this conversation sparks some thought reflection ...

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Nov. 2, 2022

Sleep Talking, Nancy Wilson, and How to Know the Difference Between G…

This Episode Erika shares her thought on a recent book she read called The Fruit of her Hand's by Nancy Wilson. While reading it she would share her thoughts with me, and we would discuss. So we decided to continue that discu...

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Oct. 19, 2022

Halloween Decorations, Harry Potter, and not Dividing on Convictions

Lately we have been trying to figure out the best way to go about our convictions not explicitly found in scripture. With it being spooky season, we have been talking alot about this time of year and how we as Christians can ...

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Sept. 26, 2022

Angels Landing, Mormonism and What Makes Us Different

We went to Utah with some friends on a hiking trip and got to talk with some mormons - some of the friendliest people out there - but what makes their beliefs different than our own? This episode we discuss some of the few di...

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Sept. 5, 2022

Thoughts On The Deaf Community

Grace Trogden has her Masters degree in Speech Pathology and joins us today to discuss a passion of hers in reaching those who stuggle to comunicate. She helps us debate the question 'Would you rather be deaf or blind?' We al...

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Aug. 22, 2022

Is God a God of Confusion?

Join us around the fire to dicuss some recent thoughts we've been having about worship, scripture, and manifestations of the Holy Spirit. If God is not a god of confusion, why am I still confused? Also, be sure to visit our n...

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Aug. 15, 2022

Sea Creatures, Dreams, and How to Know if They're From God

This Epidode Carter Hudson joins us to talk about life as of late as well as discuss the topics of dreams and prophecy. Can dreams today really be from God and how can you tell if they are? If they are, how does one test the...

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Aug. 1, 2022

What Should I Know Before I Go? : With Danny Weiss

Joining us around the fire is Danny Weiss. Danny worked with Adventures in Missions and served with David Platt at Radical as the Stratus Index Driector and website designer. He is now working with Unfolding Word where he ove...

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July 25, 2022

What is God's Word? : With Dr. Mark Ward

This episode around the campfire we have with us Dr. Mark Ward to discuss bible translations, and how we can know and trust what is God's written word. Mark is the author of the book Authorized: The Use & Misuse of the King J...

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July 18, 2022

Baptism, Leaving Milk for Meat, and Church Leadership Qualifications

Alec Lockard Joins us this episode around the Digital Campfire to discuss all the Lord has been doing in his life. Do you have to get baptised in order to be saved? Does your baptism have to take place in a church acording to...

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