Jan. 1, 2025

2024 - A Year of Growth, Grace, and New Beginnings

2024 - A Year of Growth, Grace, and New Beginnings

Looking back on 2024, I can hardly wrap my mind around everything that has happened and how much our lives have transformed. From open-heart surgeries to embarking on the journey of church planting, and finally welcoming new life to cap off the most unexpected year, it's been a whirlwind. Through all of it, the Lord has sustained us, tested our faith, and shaped us, growing us through both trials and blessings.

We welcomed our first child, Reuben, into the world in late 2023, but we didn’t leave the hospital until the start of 2024 and returned 5 months later for an open heart surgery. That season as a first-time mom was incredibly overwhelming, especially being confined to the hospital. There were some really tough days - I didn’t fully understand how challenging that season actually was until recently, after experiencing a “normal” birth and postpartum experience with our second baby, Piper. She’s about the same age now as Reuben was when we finally brought him home for the first time, and it feels like time is flying with her. In contrast, those weeks in the hospital with Reuben felt like an eternity.

In May, God faithfully saw Reu through his first open-heart surgery. The Lord took every ounce of control I thought I had and stripped it away. There’s nothing quite like the surreal feeling of entrusting your child’s life to strangers—nurses, surgeons—people you’ve just met, just praying that everything works out and that everyone does their best. But ultimately, it wasn’t about trusting them; the Lord was asking me if I trusted Him. It was a humbling and overwhelming experience. He is present in those hospital rooms and hallways, near to the weary and the brokenhearted.

During that season, He revealed His love to us so clearly through the kindness and care of others. Growing up without a Christian background, serving, supporting, and loving others wasn’t something I had much experience with, but God used that time to teach me what it truly means to bear one another’s burdens. It was such a blessing to receive that care, and I resolved to leave the hospital committed to being that for others. Since then, the Lord has revealed to me how far I still have to grow in that regard. I didn’t fully grasp how selfish and prideful I was until I was met with the grace, kindness, and mercy of others. Lately, I’ve had many moments where the Holy Spirit has convicted my heart through the love of others. It’s incredible how the Lord can use kindness and grace to bring about the same conviction as a stern rebuke.

2023 was meant to be the year we planted a new church, but with Reuben’s diagnosis and surgery, everything was pushed to 2024. Once he had healed, we jumped into the church planting endeavor quickly, without much planning, and at times, we rushed ahead of where the Lord was leading. We found a few locations we thought would be perfect for us, but they fell through, and establishing a leadership team proved more challenging than we anticipated. In October, we were invited to a church planting retreat in Washington D.C. by our planting network, Treasuring Christ Together. Nicholas and I attended (at 38 weeks pregnant!) and gained so much insight. The retreat really motivated us to build a stronger foundation from the start, rather than having to go back and fix issues later because we hadn’t been diligent in our planning. We left feeling rejuvenated and made several changes to our approach. We now have a fresh plan and are excited to begin meeting weekly in February on Sunday nights to study what a healthy church looks like, learn about our new covenant and constitution, and worship together under the guidance and teaching of a few men seeking eldership. We are praying earnestly that 2025 will be the year the vision of our new church is brought to life, for the glory of God and the furthering of His kingdom.

Back in March, we received the news that we were expecting again, and to say it was a complete shock would be an understatement. We were still in the throes of new parenthood with a 3 month old (!!!!), trying to adjust to the demands of life with a newborn. The timing was unexpected, and yet, in the midst of the surprise, we knew it was all part of God’s plan for our family. Our Piper Renae was born on December 1st and tied up our crazy year with a pretty pink bow. As I reflect on this whirlwind of a year, I’m filled with gratitude for God’s timing, provision, and the beautiful gift of our growing family.

The highs and lows have stretched us, shaped us, and revealed God’s faithfulness in ways we could have never imagined. Through every challenge and blessing, He has been near, guiding us and teaching us to trust Him more deeply. We look ahead to 2025 with hope and anticipation, knowing that though we can’t predict what’s next, we can trust that the Lord will continue to sustain and lead us as we walk this journey.