Erika and I got to go down to asbury on day 6 and 7 to see for ourselevs if the Spirit was being poured out over his people. We talk about what we saw, what we think, and how we believe Christians should respond to movements like this.
This episode around the campfire we have with us Dr. Mark Ward to discuss bible translations, and how we can know and trust what is God's written word. Mark is the author of the book Authorized: The Use & Misuse …
In this episode we hop on the phone with Dr. Sam Storms. He's the pastor emeritus at Bridgeway Church in Oklahoma City and author of multiple books including Practicing the Power : Welcoming the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in …
This epside Erika and I discuss their recent news about our son's diagnosis. We feel ready to talk about our current emotions and thoughts about the Lord, all while clinging to the hope that always remains in Christ. We ask …